Donate Food
What kinds of food does the pantry need?
The pantry can always use a variety of basic, non-perishable items such as canned vegetables, soups, and fruits; canned pasta and marinara or spaghetti sauce; boxed pasta, cereal, oatmeal, potatoes; grains such as rice; peanut butter, jelly; and condiments. Baby food and formula and fresh items from your home garden are also appreciated.
What kinds of non-food items do you accept?
We prefer household-essential items such as cleaning supplies or paper products. The families we serve are in need of basic personal care products such as toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, razors and deodorant, etc.
What kinds of items are you unable to accept?
The pantry is unable to accept perishable foods (other than fresh produce) and medications; and we ask that no foods in glass containers be donated.
When can I drop of my donations?
Donations are accepted during weekday business hour: M - W, 9am - 4pm and Th. & Fr., 9am - 2pm.
Can you use my extra grocery bags?
We are happy to accept all types of bags including plastic, reusable and paper.