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Do you need food?  

The Colonial Heights Food Pantry serves both perishable and non-perishable grocery-type items, including lots of fresh produce. The pantry serves Colonial Heights, all of zip code 23834, the specific portion of zip code 23803 identified as South Chesterfield, Prince George zip code of 23875 and the zip code 23801 (Fort Gregg-Adams). Residents of Petersburg, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Hopewell or Chesterfield County, who are outside our service area and need food, please contact Feed More at 804-521-2500 for a referral in your area.

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How can I get food? Do I qualify?

The food pantry services residents who reside in zip code 23834, the S. Chesterfield portion (only) of zip code 23803, Prince George zip code of 23875 and the Fort Gregg-Adams zip code of 23801.


How do I register?

It is best to register when you come to distribution the first time - on your first visit you must:

  • provide proof of income sources which are no greater than 200% of (or two times) the Federal Poverty Level (sample paystubs, Social Security or Disability documentation, or SNAP Notice of Action - electronic copies are acceptable);

  • provide proof of residency (formal bill or statement, lease, etc.) within the stated service area.


Documents will be reviewed and returned to you at the time of registration.  Copies of qualifying documents are not kept.


530 Southpark Blvd., Colonial Heights, VA 23834



Regular Distribution Hours:

Thursday:  5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Friday:  11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Office Hours:

Monday - Wednesday:  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Thursday - Friday:  9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Saturday/Sunday:  Closed


Click here for information on volunteering.


Where and when to find us:

530 Southpark Blvd., Colonial Heights, VA  23834

Call Us:  804-520-7117  Fax Us:  804-520-7115

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© 2020-23 by Colonial Heights Food Pantry

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