Our Impact
With your help, and with the help of our volunteers, we have made a tremendous impact on the people in our community who need our help with food. It’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the impact on the lives of the people we serve (and the lives of those who serve alongside of us). Lives are changed by the simple act of ensuring everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food. Provide food. Provide hope.

Here's what a few of our clients have to say:
My family has had to stay in hotels recently because we lost our home due to increasing rent. The pantry's provisions of healthy but appropriate foods for hotel-living have kept our family of 5 safe and healthy. No telling where we would be without your help. Jennifer, Jacob and Family
The pantry makes life so much easier during hard times - it is life-saving. Without the CHFP remaining open, we will lose friendship, help, and hope. Edwin
Without the food pantry, my sister and I would always let the kids eat first, then she and I ate whatever they left. But now we don’t worry about having to do that – we are very happy with what we get. Bless you all. Linda
To get milk and eggs every week along with all the variety of meat and produce is extremely helpful for me and the three children. The CHFP keeps us healthy and living good every week. It is a blessing! Clarice

Our impact by the numbers:
The Colonial Heights Food Pantry is proud that over the course of fiscal year 2024 we have:
Distributed more food than ever before - 612,500 pounds!
Provided 510,400 meals with that 612K pounds of food to individuals and family members in need - including over 5K seniors and over 10K children in our community. This translates to more than 30,000 individuals and over 1000 families served throughout the year! The CHFP reached more than 300 NEW families (never-before-served) during fiscal year 2024.
With our community support and buying power through Feed More, CHFP turns every community donated dollar into 3.5 meals -- your $100 donation provides 350 meals!!
We are committed to ensuring that a substantial portion (at least one-third) of all the food we serve is produce—fresh, nutritious, and healthy.